

“…Genizon has discovered many candidate genes associated with human common diseases and tested 30 genes from 6 disease programs on the Cytochem Platform. The quality of both the lab work and scientific report was exceptional and far beyond our expectation. The input of ISH assay to our scientific programs was tremendous. For example, the majority of the genes tested by Cytochem were expressed in regions highly relevant to the respective diseases. Moreover, some genes with unknown function were functionalized. Presentation of Cytochem work to Pharma clients always makes a very positive impression….”

Majid Belouchi, Ph.D.

Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer
Genizon BioSciences

"We've used Cytochem's services for several detailed studies of murine gene expression, with excellent results and fast turn around. Their whole body ISH is particularly well suited to examining expression in peripheral nervous system tissues which are virtually impossible to dissect otherwise for expresion studies. Morphological interpretations supplied were also of excellent quality. I would definitely consider Cytochem again for future ISH studies."

Ronald G. Lafreniere, Ph.D.

Administrative Director
Centre of Excellence in Neuromics
Research Centre, CHUM, Notre-Dame Hospital

“…The profound knowledge of the scientific team in histology, embryonic anatomy and brain histology, not to mention the superb in situ images generated by Cytochem, has greatly facilitated and expedited research of my lab… very knowledgeable interpretation of results helps us greatly to identify each gene’s tissue-specific expressions, some of which will surely be missed by untrained eyes. As a result, we are able to identify some unexpected function of certain genes based on in situ findings…The in situ images with data interpretations are already of publication quality by the time we receive the final report. So far, we have already published 3 articles containing in situ analysis performed by Cytochem and several more are in the pipeline…Based on my calculation, it is 4 times faster and 3 times less costly to retain Cytochem for in situ analysis, compared to the do-it-yourself approach…”

Jiangping Wu, M.D, Ph.D.

Director, Laboratory of Immunology
Professor of Medicine, University of Montreal
Research Centre, CHUM, Notre-Dame Hospital

"Cytochem provide a superb in situ expression analysis service - the quality of the data is excellent and the written description of the gene's expression pattern is comprehensive. I highly recommend them."

Allan J. Davidson, Ph.D.

Professor of Medicine,
Center for Regenerative Medicine
Massachusetts General Hospital